Early in 2013, I was invited to curate and present Book Showcase #3, a selection of books which would be presented in the context of the exhibition Intervened Library, for which the curatorial collective Hablar en arte had invite a number of artists to intervene on already existing books, thereby creating one-of-a-kind artist publications. For my part in the project, I decided to look in the opposite direction, choosing for Book Showcase #3 artist’s publications where the book – and, by extensión, the library – had not been conceived as the “result” of creative work, but rather as a trigger for actions and interventions intended to happen in real space and time.
My title was taken from a poster designed by Braço de Ferro (Isabel Carvalho & Pedro Nora, Porto) in 2009, entitled Um livro é uma forma de acção possível [A book is a possible form of action]. This poster, in turn, was based on the artist magazine “Ne coupez pas nº 4”, created by Jean Claude Moineau around 1966.
Book Showcase was an ongoing collaborative project between the bookshop Multiplos Books, Barcelona, and the curatorial team DAFO: David Armengol and Jordi Antas.